Knowing insurance in Legal Angle
Hiii....on this time we would love to engage you all to knowing what b meant on title above.
Is it very important ?
Yes it is specially when the angle is in legal corner, so lets get the basic understanding aka term of insurance :
It is a form of agreement between the insured and the insurer. The insured will have to pay dues to the insurer. The goal is to obtain compensation for financial risks that may occur. The insurer is an insurance company.
Based on term above there are 2 subjects in legal world actually :
1. Individual
2. Legal entity
Both subjects above are allowed to do Legal Relations, this legal relation(ship) has largest meaning. Bcz both do interacts then both logicly will born Legal Causal.
This Legal Causal( ity ) has 2 railsway :
1. Harmonic,
2. Conflict
B4 b continued lets simplifying the complecxity by using this way :
1. Individual
Legal Subject :
2. Legal Entity
Legal Relationship
Legal Causality
1. Harmonic
2. Conflict :
( law = rule = legal is borned here )
When the resulted of Legal Causality which was borned from legal relationship is Harmonic then no meed to be explained anymore but when its bcame a Conflict then Major Role of a rule ( law = legal ) is borned to solved those 2 legal subjects which will b ended by court decisions.
The describing above is universal undsratanding globally but the " positive Law " in every countries globally absolutely different e.g : weed in certain states in US is / are legal but not in another state and it could b a crime in certain country.
Hope got it until this one 😁🥳
🦋 Sum : By knowing the schema on how legal aka law worked at least will give all reader(s) an enlightment as an individual to get the answer from this q tag :
Do i need insurance ?
Where you as individual will making legal relation( ship ) with insurance company ( as legal entity ) and it will b on 2 railsway could b Harmonic railway / in Conflict railway when insurance is Claimed.
Means bcz in certain cases the conflict source could b from individual that made fake claimed or could b in insurance company.
Hopefully usefull for both side as this lil article was born to keep both in harmonic and avoid conflict 😁👍
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