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SOTU : State of the Union


Hi...jen....yes, you're correct cz been busy and thanks 4 da recap 🦋😁👍

Hope that political will, will going smooth in economic sectors as always by guard the  process as always too and measure it periodically even a smallest moving forward absolutely is categorized as a progress which will lead to the next one and so on 🥳, hold that sector as always absolutely, ok.

And btw how are all MoverFlies ?

You know...readers could assume that what were posted here in flyers form are hoaxes if the sign not born yet, right ?

Mean has the web b built so the link adress could b put here plus this blog adress with MoverFly icon also b put there too as featuring netizen ( MoverLands citizenship 😁🥰❤🦋 ) for the website with all small business enterpreneurship icons as the featuring too both from US and outside US ? 

Finally SOTU is the best mommentum to send crystal clear message that the President had given legal certaintly to all americans specially in economic despite this pandemic to keep going  that today have to be better than yesterday and tomorrow have to be more even better than the day now.


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