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A row of 7 advanced features in Google Translate that you should try so you don't regret it

Google Translate is the most used translator application because it provides a large selection of languages ​​from around the world. Google Translate can also be accessed easily through websites or applications on smartphones.

In addition to Google Translate, which is a product of one of the leading companies, namely Google. Google Translate is chosen by many people because it has many advanced features.

Unfortunately, not all users are aware of these advanced features in Google Translate. At least, there are 7 advanced features that exist in Google Translate.

🦋Advanced Features on Google Translate

There are several advanced features present in Google Translate that you can try to streamline the language translation process. Among them are as follows:

1. Transcribe (Translate Live Conversation) :

Transcribe is one of the latest advanced features in Google Translate that allows users to record live conversations, then translate them.

If so, there are eight foreign languages ​​that can be translated including English, French, German, Indian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

The advantage of this Transcribe feature is that it allows long-duration translations. In addition, the translation results can be directly displayed on the screen.

🦋2.Tap to Translate (Translate Text in Other Apps Without Copying) :

This Tap to Translate feature is very heasy for users and useful for users of WhatsApp or other instant messaging services. Users can directly translate words or sentences in the messaging application without having to open the Google Translate application again.

How to use it is quite easy, users simply activate the Tap to Translate mode in the "Settings" menu in the Google Translate application. If you have, then simply copy the message you want to translate, then press the Google Translate icon that appears. Done, message translation will appear automatically.

🦋3. Write to Translate or Handwriting :

The next advanced feature of Google Translate that should not be missed is Write to Translate or Handwriting. This feature will translate handwriting. Usually this feature is used to translate special characters.

Later, Google Translate will detect the user's handwriting and translate it into the desired language. You can swipe your finger or by using a touchscreen pencil to apply it. Users can write letters, words, and sentences on the application.

But before that, tap the Handwriting menu first. This feature has a pen symbol located at the top right of the screen.

🦋4. Camera Translation (Translating from Camera) :

The next advanced feature in Google Translate is Camera Translation which can make it easier for users to translate languages.

To enjoy this Camera Translation feature, users simply point the camera at the object they want to translate, then the system will automatically translate it according to the language of your choice.

🦋5. Typing to Translate (Translates Typed Words) :

Typing to Translate is a basic feature in Google Translate. Users can translate words or sentences by typing.

When typing, make sure it matches the language availability in Google Translate. At least, there are currently 103 languages ​​that can be translated through this feature. As for the standard letters used, they are adjusted to the country of origin of each user.

🦋6. Speak to Translate (Translate Voice) :

Another feature that is no less sophisticated in Google Translate is the translation of voice into text. So, Google Translate users can translate words or sentences through voice which is automatically recorded by the application.

Next, the voice will be converted into text with the desired translation language. The voice translator feature can be enjoyed in two versions.

🦋The first version is through a microphone symbolized by a mic image and the conversation version is symbolized by a picture of two people. Generally, the two versions are the same, the difference is in the conversation version, where the voice can be recorded automatically in a relatively long time.

So you just say a word or sentence directly or from another person, later the application system will translate it quickly. Also make sure the incoming voice is clear.

🦋7. Offline Translate (Translating When Offline) :

The last interesting feature of Google Translate that you must try is translating languages ​​offline. This feature will certainly make it very easy for users, especially in a situation where there is no internet. There are still many users who think that Google Translate can only be accessed if the device is connected to the internet.

This method can be enjoyed by downloading the main language of the desired destination country. How to use this feature, simply by selecting the "Offline Translation" menu, then selecting the language to use. Don't worry about the results, because the results are guaranteed to be accurate.

🦋That's information about A row of 7 advanced features in Google Translate that you should try so you don't regret it, hopefully usefull as always 🥳.


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