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Blue Tsunami Waves Lift App | E =m.c² | Secret of Nuclear Formula Finally Revealled

secret formula

Gaeys....this flyer has nothing to do with nuclear in real meaning....it is a metaphore where we tried to applying it on election campaign which is called blue tsunami waves lift app ok 🥳😁👍.

secret formula

How is Einstein energy calculated ?

1. m is simply the mass of an object,

2. c is the speed of light; a constant value of 299,792,458 m/s

3. E is the rest energy of the object.

secret formula

What is Einstein's law of energy ?

E = mc2, equation in German-born physicist Albert Einstein's theory of special relativity that expresses the fact that mass and energy are the same physical entity and can be changed into each other.

secret formula

What is Einstein's formula used for ?

Albert Einstein's most famous equation, E = mc2, used in the theory of general relativity, has been used to create matter from light, scientists have said in a new study.

Why is speed of light in E mc² ?

But why is the speed of light squared? The reason is that kinetic energy, or the energy of motion, is proportional to mass. When you accelerate an object, the kinetic energy increases to the tune of the speed squared.

secret formula

So what is the link of that nuclear formula with Blue Tsunami Waves Lift App ?

Actually both will explode anythings aka change something with hugest impact.
The difference are that impact of einstein formula is physicly in real meaning but we used it in methaphore meaning, which mean this formula is relevant to be used to change something.

In real meaning the form of the secret formula is atomic bomb but in metaphore meaning that we used, this einstein formula is in app form 😁🥳👍

Can we get explaination how is it applied on the app ?

We simply change the formula to be this way :

E = Energy
m = moverflies
C1 = Communication
C2 = Commonsense

Can we get the app ?

Sure....here is the link :

Is E mc2 binding energy ?

This energy is called the binding energy. The binding energy determines which nuclei are stable and how much energy is released in a nuclear reaction.

So finally actually the formula can be applied too but absolutely is in app form  which is called blue tsunami waves lift app 🥳🥳😁👍



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